This app has been arranged with the biography of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the four c...
This app has been arranged with the biography of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the four caliphs (nobijir jiboni). Worship to know about the biographies of the prophets. And it is obligatory for every believer to live according to what he has learned from all his biographies. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the last and greatest of the prophets and messengers.The biography of the Prophet (peace be upon him) as well as the biographies of the four caliphs (4 khalifa jivani) such as: - The story of Hazrat Abu Bakr (R), the biography of Hazrat Omar, the biography of Hazrat Umar Ibn Khattab (R), the biography of Hazrat Uthman (R), Hazrat Ali (R) Biography. From the biography of the 4 Caliphs we can know what their sacrifice was for Islam. In order to know the Quran-Sunnah correctly, one should study the biographies of the four caliphs.Char khalifar jiboni app basaically based on char kholifa life story & the life history of prophet muhammad (pbuh).Mohanobir jiboni bangla helps us build & increase our iman. Mohanobir bani also called as Mohanobir hadis. There are four khalifa of islam. They are Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddque (ra), Hazrat Omar (ra), Hazrat Usman (ra), Hazrat Ali (ra). Besides Nobider jiboni every Muslim should learn about the name of four khalifa.The biography and words of Hazrat Ali (R) are very popular in our Muslim society. It is necessary to know the biographies of the Prophets. There are several important reasons to know the biographies of Ambiyas or Prophets. The story of the Ambiyas is narrated in the Quran by Allah Taala so that people may know about their biographies and study their thoughts. And it is Gods command to know the biographies of the Ambiyas or the life stories of the prophets. And obedience to any command of Allah Taala is worship. So knowing the story of the prophets or the biography of the prophets is a kind of worship. And Allah has given this command to the Prophet (peace be upon him). So it is a kind of command for us as a follower of the Prophet (peace be upon him).In the Quran, Allah Taala has narrated the biographies of 25 prophets so that we can learn from their biographies. We can understand the events of the Prophet. And we can manage life accordingly. After the Prophets, the most exemplary ideals are in the age of the Companions, in the age of Kholafaye Rashedin. In this app, we have written about the biographies of the four caliphs and the biography of the beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).Again, if we dont know about someone, then we cant really love them. We all claim that we love the Ambiyas of Allah and also love the first four caliphs of Islam. But we do not know their biography. So if we want to truly love the Prophets and the Companions, we must know them (the life story of the Prophets).What you get together in our apps: ---The story of Hazrat Umar (R)- Biography of Hazrat Ali (R)- Biography of Hazrat Abu Bakr (R)--The story of Hazrat Uthman (R)- Biographies of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the four caliphsEvery Muslim brother and sister should have such Islamic apps on their mobile phones.Download our apps and put them in your collection. If you find any errors, please let us know. In that case we will try to correct it.